- Pulaski News website received an award from its entry in the Wisconsin School Public Relations Association. The website received an Award of Merit and was given a score of 37.5 out of 44 points.
- The Chase Stone Barn was nominated by the Town of Chase to be put on America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list. The barn was built in 1903 making it a significant landmark representing the original agriculture ways of Wisconsin.
- Students at Hillcrest started to learn Mandarin Chinese. The teachers had pushed for different topics to have the students learn about, one of those being Mandarin Chinese. The students started to learn the new language on a program called Rosetta Stone, beginning in third grade and going up to fifth.
- Glenbrook Elementary appeared on the TV channel CBS. They were chosen as a winning school of the Staples Coach of the Week contest. Besides being on TV, they also received a $5,000 prize for the teachers to share.
- On Dec. 15 the Future Helpers of America provided toys for children. They were able to donate to 83 children to make their Holidays happy.
- PHS students continued to carry on the tradition of writing for the school newspaper. As of Jan. 1 Pulaski News went into its fiftieth year or being ran by students.
- Staff at Glenbrook Elementary watched the students behavior and looked for good deeds and acts of kindness. It was apart of their program called “Caught being good.” If the student did a good act then their name would be put in a drawing and picked at the end of the month.
- In January, a new doctor came to pulaski with hopes of starting a business. His practice was set to start in August , but he and his family needed help getting started in the community.
- Pulaski holds tenth annual Sweetheart Ball that benefits the Heart Association. The theme was “And the Beat Goes on,” and it was held at the RIverside Ballroom.
- PHS awards Industrial Arts Award in recognition of a student. It is awarded to a senior who shows the best leadership skills.
- Furnitureland Inc. of Pulaski was given an award for its excellence in home merchandising. Russell J. LaRock Jr. accepted the award at a banquet held on Jan. 7.
- On Jan. 22 a play called “Candlelight” was presented by the senior class. It was a delightful comedy directed by Mr. Doetkott, the junior English teacher.
- The Boy Scouts of Pulaski held a scrap paper drive Jan. 24. They made their rounds throughout the village picking up residents unneeded paper.
- Carol Helgeson was named PHS 1959 Betty CRocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. She received the highest score on the 50 minute written exam on homemaking.